Thursday, September 01, 2005

In the Silence (Susan)

On the trail
I listen to the bird song
I sit on a rock here for centuries
Solid, indestructible
Waiting for travelers who reach this height.

I think of writers’ groups where words were imposed.
Tess told me to say “apple” tree instead of “pear”.
I changed it to get her approval.
But it was a pear tree.
I changed it back.
Those days are gone.
I do not want critics to tell me what to say.
Now I use my words.

This is the way I will live,
Seeing my vision,
Using my words.
I can lead myself through the desert.
I don’t need a guru
Or a spiritual leader to do it for me.
What value if someone else told me where to go?
I want my own vision – I want my own words.
I will not be dictated to.

The very air I breathe is free.
I am free.
“She who knows and knows that she knows is wise.”
I know.
And if I don’t know
I can find out.

Let me trust to my own intuition.
Let me trust to my own instinct.
Let me follow my voice
To its own true goal.

Susan Schefflein
© 2005 S. Schefflein All Rights Reserved


Anonymous said...


I enjoyed your focus on the notion of wanting to speak for onesself. The dynamic of the writing group--any group, not this one--is a peculiar one ripe for treatment. But of course that is just one aspect of speaking for onesself. I like the stanza re/ knowing, esp. ''I can find out''.....

Anonymous said...

Susan, this poem has been haunting me ever since you posted it...I find lines coming back to me, at random times during the day, "But it was a pear tree. I changed it back." And "I want my own own words" These lines have a lot of meaning for me. Thank you for this poem.