Monday, August 29, 2005

I'm So glad (Jim)

I’m so glad.....

120 Mil
on her recent tour.

And here....
I chose performin’ poetry as my career

My new dental implant,
one tooth,
just cost 4 large –
and my plumber,
nice guy,
well, the other day he offered me
a ride in his new Bimmer.
Seven series.

But still glad
I chose poetry.

It has its advantages.

No fear of bein’ mobbed
when I pull up on Broadway
or gettin’ jobbed
by my agent.
And’ll always have
my artistic integrity.

Which I can’t
eat, beat
spend or send...

...Yet, bein’ a basically simple schlub,
I leave our current galaxy of superstars
to their overbuilt manses
and tabloid romances,
searchin’ for their Page Six fix
with their assorted retainers
personal trainers
and other clinging hangers on.

And as one who can’t much sing or dance or act....
or operate... ...or plumb...
but loves words
and chasing small truths in public
y’know... suits me.

Jim Keller
July 7, 2005
© 2005 J. Keller All rights reserved. World Rights Reserved.


Anonymous said...

This is a shorter adaptation of a performance piece I wrote for my Woodstock feature last year, and then adapted for a submission requesting poems about writing poems.

Anonymous said...

Don't be afraid to leave critques here just as we did in class. I trust we'll all be gentle with each other, but we also have things to learn from each other.

If people outside of the group start to visit the site, though, who knows what kind of comments we'll get??

But one thing I learned tonight is that we will get BLOG SPAM. I'll remove it as I find it -- but if it's a flood, we'll have to restrict commenting to group members.