The Poetry Group met in a Patricia Smith workshop. She encouraged us to keep writing. And share with her, each other, friends and..?? We're eclectic, with funny ditties and serious work chock-a-block next to oral rants, but here we are.. Patricia is a 4 time National Poetry Slam Champion & national literary award winner. See: More on PS and Still More
Monday, October 31, 2005
The Myth of the Shower Curtain
“Psycho is your most disturbing film.
No shower for me since that day.
Bereft the pleasure of soothing
Stream of water warming,
Gone into the nightmare of your need,
People clutching their seats with fear,
I bathe, my back to the faucets
Face toward the door
“Don’t complain. I made you famous.
Marion Crane my creation for the world.
People buy shower curtains with
The silhouette of the murderer on them, you beneath.
The knife gave you immortality.”
“I gave the knowledge of an unsafe world,
And learned the dark side of your personality.
Day after day you placed that mummy in my dressing room,
Waiting for me to scream
Waiting for the moment
My fear would reach the breaking point.”
“I am the Director.
I give people what they want,
A view into the abyss,
The absolute knowledge that all can be lost
In the moment of a door opening
A figure moving toward a curtain
Lifting a knife.”
“I leave it to the stand-in, the only scene you let me use a stand-in for,
The woman Tony Perkins lugged from the bathroom
Wrapped in the shower curtain.
An unknown lump of flesh millions saw encased in plastic,
Dragged into the future
Forever fulfilling the myth of a world of horror.”
–Susan Schefflein
Draft © 2005 S. Schefflein All Rights Reserved.
A Sixties Story
Who smiled and nodded through the night,
eyes shining in a walnut puckered face,
while we passed the bowl of bitter plants
in silence around the circle, sitting inside
the deerskin teepee from the time
the sun disappeared over the blooded orange
Sangre de Christo Mountains to vertigo tipped
dawn fringed with pink purple stripes
in dry New Mexican skies,
but in words that pierced the heart
understood, then passed the rattle and drum
from hand to hand so we could beat
the rhythms and sing the songs of the lives
we brought to the teepee from all corners
of the earth to the clear New Mexican night,
where we heaved the contents from our bellies
and the fireman shoveled out the sick,
leaving us with our pure peyote dreams,
Who built his adobe hut brick by
muddy brick studded with straw
on the sage desert with the hippie woman
from the east who married Little Joe
so she could pray with the
work the land, and sing the songs
of the Native Americans who taught us
how to live with the earth
and each other,
who we buried in our hearts,
who lives now and forever
in the vast New Mexican sky.
–Liz Burk
Draft © 2005 L. Burk All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Character Study (Patricia)
with a functioning heart, he strode naked
out of my novel, squeezed his squirming head
through the space in a double-spaced line and
gaped at me, eyes wounded by my indecision.
He shoved at a weakened verb and ripped the
prose wide open, bled twisted smell on the keys,
laughed maniacally at the optimistic progression
of page numbers. His huge mouth was crammed
with misplaced teeth, having existed as both
empty howl and sputtering door slammed shut.
He was nude and ashy, swathed in stiff denim,
his voice base gravel, then rootless and defiant,
his eyes pulsed gray, bottomless black, flat green
with flecks of spittle, his height wavered, his flat
tattooed gut pouted, then didn’t. He was scarred
by every change I’d made, every strike-through,
cut/paste, backspace, delete, all the unleased
betrayal that roars through prose. I built him
from a knowing of adjectives, piled on detail and
declaration, and now he is overdone, dragging
all that weight and wheezing when he breathes.
The boy patiently loads his pockets with stones,
bottle caps and jagged pieces of glass, waiting for
the moment when the skin of my neck is exposed.
Only 11, he scans me with man eyes and says it,
claiming my nights, advancing the plot in a way
that can’t be undone. He says: Give me a name.
– Patricia Smith
Draft © 2005 P. Smith All Rights Reserved.
Kirstie Allie Meets Calista Flockheart (Liz)
“Callie, how do you manage to stay so thin?
Tell me the secret of your strength within.
The stakes are enormous, we’re filled to the brim
with pressures to always look sexy and trim.
I have so much trouble, can’t hide my sins
Whenever I eat, I compulsively binge
My meds don’t work, can’t fight that urge
And I haven’t yet got the hang of purge.”
“Allie dear, listen here,” Calista replies,
“It’s all genes and upbringing, this issue of size.
Calorie has always been a bad word
My own mother taught me to eat like a bird.
My history with food was marked from the start
With ambivalence filling my hungry heart
I obsessed about weight, I barely grew breasts
I wanted a body without ripples of flesh
I dreamt of women with tummies concave,
Cadaverous cheekbones of girls from the grave.
“Ohmigod” said Kirstie, I’ll never hack it
I obsess about chocolates lined up in their jackets
The mysteries of coconuts, cherries and creams
Appear almost nightly in all of my dreams.
Truffles, caramels, chocolate double dutch
On the tip of my tongue, melt at my touch.
Cassoulet, leek soup, potato cheese soufflé
Fettucini alfredo, bananas flambé,
Butter slathered on a loaf of hot bread
A steak so rare the cow’s not quite dead.
And if you’ve got a headache you can’t endure
Here’s the best meal for a hangover cure:
A Big Mac, greasy fries, a strawberry shake,
Finish it off with apple crunch cake.”
“Oh Kirstie, my dear, that sounds utterly gross.
My taste is quite different, I prefer dry toast
And mood’s a factor, I was born in a funk
I’m driven to eat like a Tibetan monk.
But a diet of rice and weeds from the sea
Leaves me without much energy
And sex is a no-no, my libido is dead
I used to indulge, now I live in my head.”
The waiter appeared at the table for two.
It was time for dessert, the moment of truth
“None for me” said Callie, she sat small and prim
“Bring it on,”said Kirstie, she looked rather grim
“I’d rather be fat, fun loving and crude
Than be skinny, unhappy, and never get screwed.”
– Liz Burk
Draft © 2005 L. Burk All Rights Reserved.
The Grande Dame and the Painter (Deborah)
When Mary Wortley Montagu
Met Monsu Desiderio.
She slipped off her cloak
...............And kicked off a shoe
Saying, would you wish to tarry, oh?
The lady of letters, the man of pigment
Circled each other across decades.
He said Lady, you are of my prescience a figment!
And she: Sir, your sulfurous vision ne’er fades.
Said he, tell me, your face: why so pitted, craterous?
Parried she: to well-being your pix are most traitorous!
Quoth the painter, Many, lady, by your wit have been bitten!
And my Self, she ripostes, by the Pox have been smitten!
– Deborah Maier
Draft © 2005 D. Maier All Rights Reserved.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Roots (Susan)
He teaches me to be quiet
To wait
He teaches me to plant
To dip water
Drop by drop, gentle
Upon the sprouting seeds
Strawberry and melon ripening
In the sun
He grows me green
Plants and plentiful
Bread and fish to eat
His roots twine
Ancient, fragile
Around my feet
Binding me to earth
He disappears into the sun
Leaving me rooted in the soil
He hides somewhere
Waiting for me
I will uncoil from tangled roots
Become a bird
Fly away to find him
– Susan Scheffein
Draft © 2005 S. Schefflein All Rights Reserved.
“Settlin’ the Score in Ellsinore” (Jim)
“Settlin’ the Score in Ellsinore”..............................
– or – ..............................
“The Get On in Avon”................................
Call Ticketron Today) .....................................
The Bard never hit as hard as The Floater
(at least not below the cortex)
but both were dexterious dancers
in their days and ways –
and both were poets.
“’Tis most passing strange
my pugilistic partner
that thee and me be paired
in such odd contest.”
“I know what you mean,
‘cos altho’ we get on pretty keen
you’re paunchy and white
an’ I’m black and lean.
“I mean ya’ tagged me at the weigh in
but don’t be thinkin’
no pen’s mightier than my fist
“It’s only I been out of the ring
plus my mamma told me
never hurt helpless old folk –
so I was pullin’ my punch
when you ducked
and I missed.”
“Oh, if only t’were true,
but we are well and truly met
so you needn’t retain a reserve
for I’ll be giving you all you deserve.
And do take care lest all that
but too solid well-conditioned flesh
should melt away.
“For I have come not to bury you perforce,
rather your fierce prowess to praise,
and while ne’er dreaming of what a rub I’d need
were you to catch and smite me in a squared ring,
yet around you rings I shall write.”
“In your dreams you pale old man
I am beauty, I am truth in a glove,
I am the plan.
And before we hit four
You’ll be down on the floor.
You think your plays are the thing,
but you ain’t felt my sting.”
“Indeed Sirrah
should your uppercut connect
and put me deep into sleep
who knows what dreams would arise from
Oblivion’s indigo depths?
But luckily I shall not likely
face that eventuality
as people say,
‘Alas poor Ali, whom well I knew.’
“S’more likely they’ll be sayin’
‘Here lies Will,
who thought he could take on the greatest,
now laid out pretty damn still.”
–Jim Keller
Draft © 2005 J. Keller All rights reserved.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Lucille Clifton's "BROTHERS"
come coil with me
here in creation’s bed
among the twigs and ribbons
of the past. ihave grown old
remembering the garden,
the hum of the great cats
moving into language, the sweet
fume of the man’s rib
as it rose up and began to walk.
it was all glory then,
the winged creatures leaping
like angels, the oceans claiming
their own. let us rest here a time
like two old brothers
who watched it happen and wondered
what it meant.
how great Thou art
listen. You are beyond
even Your own understanding.
that rib and rain and clay
in all its pride,
its unsteady dominion,
is not what you believed
You were,
but it is what You are;
in your own image as some
lexicographer supposed.
the face, both he and she,
the odd ambition, the desire
to reach beyond the stars
is You. All You, all You
the loneliness, the perfect
as for myself
less snake than angel
less angel than man
how come i to this
serpent’s understanding?
watching creation from
a hood of leaves
i have foreseen the evening
of the world.
as she as she
the breast of Yourself
separated out and made to bear,
as sure as her returning,
i too am blessed with
the one gift You cherish;
to feel the living move in me
and to be unafraid.
in my own defense
what could I choose
but to slide along behind them,
they whose only sin
was being their father’s children?
as they stood with their backs
to the garden,
a new and terrible luster
burning their eyes,
only You could have called
their ineffable names,
only in their fever
could they have failed to hear.
the road led from delight
into delight. into the sharp
edge of seasons, into the sweet
puff of bread baking, the warm
vale of sheet and sweat after love,
the tinny newborn cry of calf
and cormorant and humankind.
and pain, of course,
always there was some bleeding,
but forbid me not
my meditation on the outer world
before the rest of it, before
the bruising of his heel, my head,
and so forth.
“the silence of God is God.”
--Carolyn Forche
tell me, tell us why
in the confusion of a mountain
of babies stacked like cordwood,
of limbs walking away from each other,
of tongues bitten through
by the language of assault,
tell me, tell us why
You neither raised your hand
Nor turned away, tell us why
You watched the excommunication of
That world and You said nothing.
still there is mercy, there is grace
how otherwise
could I have come to this
marble spinning in space
propelled by the great
thumb of the universe?
how otherwise
could the two roads
of this tongue
converge into a single
how otherwise
could I, a sleek old
curl one day safe and still
beside YOU
at Your feet, perhaps,
but, amen, Yours.
“………is God.”
having no need to speak
You sent Your tongue
splintered into angels.
even i,
with my little piece of it
have said too much.
to ask You to explain
is to deny You.
before the word
You were.
You kiss my brother mouth.
the rest is silence.
–Lucille Clifton
From “The Book of Light” (Copper Canyon Press)
Quotes from James Dickey and Paul Blackburn (Patricia)
All of the great poets: the Greek poets, the Latins, the Chinese, the French, German, Spanish, English—they have only hinted at what could exist as far as poems and poetry are concerned. I don’t know how to get this new kind of sound, or this new kind of use in language, but I am convinced that it can be done by somebody, maybe not by me, but by somebody.
I feel about myself as a writer like John the Baptist did, when he said, ‘I prepare the way for one who is greater than I.’ Yeah, but look who it was!”
--James Dickey
“I wouldn’t even know whether a poem was finished or not unless my ear told me. I think music must be in the poem somewhere. Poetry is traditionally a musical structure. Now that forms are as open as they are, each poem has to find its own form. It has to do with the technique of juxtaposition and reading from the breath line and normal speech raised to its highest point. But that’s abstracting a principle. When you’re writing, these things are at the back of your mind. It’s almost as through your technique is in your wrists and you’re sitting at a typewriter instead of a piano.
As far as I’m concerned, people who don’t hear the poems are missing a good deal, and a poet who doesn’t hear his own poems is missing everything.”
--Paul Blackburn
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Orange Gloves (Brad)
Are: sailors, ships and, an ocean.
Curiously, about a thousand miles
From the nearest ocean,
Very close to Chicago, is a huge navy base
Called Great Lakes Naval Training Center.
This is where newly enlisted sailors go for what
The Navy calls “Basic Training”.
Most know it as “Boot Camp”.
To me it was six weeks of annoyance,
Marching, shouting, being shouted at,
Laughing, crying, growing up,
Losing weight, gaining weight,
Getting sick, getting fit,
Running, pushing up, jumping jack,
Swabbing, scrubbing, painting,
Folding, stenciling, stowing,
Lacing, polishing, stomping,
Showering, shaving, shooting,
Rushing, waiting, sleeping
And dreaming of going home,
Mostly, missing what I left,
Until Graduation Day.
A light snow fell outside the barracks.
Enter the Company Commander,
Attention on deck!
The man in khaki shouted (he always shouted),
Allums, Brown, Jundra, Kepko,
Kinter, Washington, Yale,
Report to the main gate
To greet your visitors!
Easier for some families
Who lived close to Chicago
To see their son graduate
Into the United States Navy.
As the rest of us waited nervously,
All our sea bags packed and stacked,
The Company Commander entered
With four more lists of men
To report to the main gate.
To greet their visitors.
Each name he shouted
Drove me as effectively as a hammer,
Deeper into a dark and lonely depression.
As the ceremony approached,
The Company Commander entered
One more time, to shout one more name.
Moroni, report to the main gate!
I was shocked by the thought
That my parents (maybe even my older brother)
Traveled all the way from Connecticut
To see me enter this new phase in my life.
Double time!
I triple timed. I quadruple timed.
I ran as fast as I could.
Elated and sweating in my pea coat,
My heart racing as I burst
Into the block building at the gate.
My name is Moroni!
I huffed as I looked around for my family.
Take these and follow him!
The second class petty officer at the counter
Said as he handed me a pair of gloves.
Special gloves. Rubber coated cotton gloves
With stretchy cotton bands at the wrists.
Tremendous gloves, bigger
And more orange than any gloves I’ve ever seen.
When I put the enormous gloves on,
My hands looked like they had been run over
And flattened by a cartoon steamroller.
As I stood on the tarmac,
Waving cars past me
With my ridiculous clown-like hands,
Hearing Anchors Aweigh blaring
Over the thousands of people
Graduating and watching
Their sons graduate,
I laughed at myself.
–B. R. Moroni
Draft © 2005 B.R. Moroni All rights reserved.
August Commute (Jim)
with the A/C conked out
(sweatin’ in the very worst way),
began to fear I was about to expire
(even while giving my all
to my need to perspire)!
My humid gaze gathering in
the shimmering sea
of unending traffic –
suddenly struck by a thot
a vision so graphic –
felt myself transformed
in spirit reborn –
couldn’t wait to share
lay my soul bare –
nothing else mattered
illusions all shattered!
No heat anymore
no 10,000 cars stretched out ahead,
no, just me and the insight
now filling my head,
Exit 10, Exit 9
countin’ down
(ain’t life fine!)
past the mall, round the wall –
Then at last into the drive
(man, I felt so excited,
never felt so alive)!
Bounding up the steps
I ran in, ran about
now babbling, now whispering
I talked in a shout –
but as I tried with each of my family
to share my wondrous epiphany
they all ran away –
once they got their first whiff o’me!
Well the story’s moral is simple:
no need to feel dour –
when you’re given a vision
(of whatever power) –
just please wait to share it –
‘til after you shower!
– Jim (Eureka) Keller
September 4, 2002
Draft © 2005 J. Keller All rights reserved
Monday, October 10, 2005
Inside a Grieving Heart (Vince)
through a meadow, its
dusty beige path stretching
out to who knows where.
The meadow grass,
golden from the sun,
stands tall and still.
Up above, a goldfinch
bounds in flight against
a blank, blue sky.
The air is coated with
the smell of sweetfern.
Cicadas sing from roadside
oak trees, whose limbs
spread wide from stout trunks.
Water runs smoothly
over round rocks
in a nearby brook.
Under one of the oaks,
a young man stands alone,
staring down the road,
waiting, weeping
-VT Polywoda
Draft © 2005 V.T. Polywada All rights reserved.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Jim Keller Live in Nyack, NY Wed. Oct 19
A Performance Poetry Event Featuring:
Jim Keller
A long time Rockland Resident
returns from Utah to entertain and astound you
(or something like that....)
with his unique brand of live poetry
The Nyack Center
58 So. Broadway (at corner of Depew Ave) ● Nyack, NY
Wednesday, Oct. 19 ● 7:30 pm
Open Mic After Performance
358-2600 ● Suggested Contribution: $3.00
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Jim Keller is a Performance Poet who divides his time between Utah and Rockland County. He’s done concert appearances in Woodstock, Nyack, Salt Lake City and elsewhere, and has read in LA, NYC, Westchester, Wyoming and NJ.
Jim has also won several Poetry Slam competitions, helps maintain a poetry blog (this one!) and wrote a book of “Hy-Tek Hyku” in 2003. Jim’s fine art photography has also appeared in juried shows
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Vera (Susan)
Used her husband’s belt,
Genuine Italian saddle leather,
Size thirty-six,
Knotted to the clothes bar,
Then, around her neck.
The deliveryman told us
In the middle of supper.
Reported the news to shocked spoons
Raised to unaccepting lips.
“Hanged herself in her bedroom closet,” he said.
My mother cried,
I slipped away
Sat on the front porch step
Looking up toward Vera’s house.
I held a square of chocolate cake
And suddenly could not eat.
The dog rubbed her nose against my side,
Wagged her tail.
I held the cake out to her,
Sprinkles raining on her eager paws.
She wolfed it down,
Then licked my face, slowly,
With her sweet, chocolate tongue.
–Susan Schefflein
Draft © 2005 S. Schefflein All rights reserved. World Rights Reserved.
Jekyll and Ice (Jim)
the sky was filled with diamonds –
they were snowflakes in the night lights
falling softly to the street –
And while wishing you were with me
so we could share this winter moment –
A woman walked ‘gainst the wind
toward me,
hat down –
gaze fixed firmly at her feet.
There was this outfit in the Thrift Shop
I was certain you would die for,
while thru the bistro’s steamy panes,
no diners even saw me turning white –
Ambling down the sidewalk
past the shopwares in the windows;
sinking deeper into nightdreams –
taking in the frigid crystal sights.
Then, scraping white stuff from the windshield
and stamping frozen water from my feet;
the scene took on a...
...harsher meaning...
Driving home, alone, to sleep,
hands clenched,
white knuckled to the wheel –
slipping, sliding down the street.
Beauty oft extracts a price
and beauty can be cold –
still, I gladly pay its fare....
There’s always lots of icy streets –
but even on a lonely night –
beauty’s all too rare.....
–Jim Keller
Jan 19, 2004
Draft © 2005 J. Keller All rights reserved. World Rights Reserved.
Eating Disorder? (Brad)
Because I eat more than I oughta?
I know I’m fat and getting fatter
I look in the mirror and get madder and madder.
I ate all the food that was in my house
I ate my goddamned computer mouse.
I went to a vineyard and ate all the grapes.
I went to the zoo and ate all the apes
No, I didn’t eat the fuckin’ lion
But it wasn’t for lack of fuckin’ tryin’
I tried to eat the steel cage
But the lion went into a rage.
The trouble started long ago
Long before that Fear Factor show
When I was a kid I ate my crayolas
When I was a cop I ate my payola
I ate my next-door neighbor’s car
I went to a nightclub and ate the bar
Then I ate all the booze and the glasses
I ate the stools from under the asses
Because I eat more than I oughta
Do you think I have an eating disorder?
I went to the library and ate all the books
Talk about your dirty looks
I went to Italia and ate all the pastas
I went to Jamaica mon and ate all the Rastas
I went to Mongolia and ate all the hoards
I went to Afghanistan and ate the warlords
I ate the flowers in front of my home
I even ate my garden gnome
I ate three French hens and two turtle doves
I ate Michael Jackson’s other glove
I knew an old lady who swallowed a fly
Big fucking deal I just ate twelve pies
And thirty plums and eighteen peaches
I ate the sand off seven beaches
I’d like to try to be athletic
But I eat so damned much it’s pathetic
I tried to run but I ate the track
I tried doing drugs but I ate my crack
I can’t sleep because I ate my bed
I just stand around and eat instead
Do you think I have an eating disorder
Because I eat more than I oughta?
–B.R. Moroni
Draft © 2005 B.R. Moroni All Rights Reserved